♒ Why Nibiru?

Simple. Nibiru is a breakthrough smart contract platform providing superior throughput, reduced latency, and improved security, all driven by Web Assembly (Wasm) smart contracts.

The Nibiru blockchain is Redefining web3 user experiences through limitless scalability. This is a must-have for Coded Estate trade, and build in a permisson-less environment, powered by Web Assembly smart contracts impervious to all known attack vectors on Ethereum.

A common misconception is that Nibiru is only another DeFi chain. However, we are dependent on using a chain optimized not only for DeFi (even though that’s what we are, a DeFi protocol), but we are leaning more towards the web2 user experience which is dependent on scaling and speed, exactly what Nibiru differentiates at compared to most blockchains in the web3 industry. This paves the way for Coded Estate to provide a more capital efficient structure, with faster transactions, without expensive pending processes from middlemen with complete sovereignty for its users in a completely decentralized environment.

Our choice to establish Coded Estate on the Nibiru blockchain, rather than platforms like Ethereum, was influenced by the pressing need for superior decentralization and throughput. Ethereum, despite its widespread recognition, has historically grappled with slow transaction processing and scalability concerns. These attributes are not congruent with the demands of a platform like Coded Estate that manages real-world assets (RWAs). For us, speed, efficiency, and a consistent user experience are paramount, making Nibiru the obvious and strategic choice.

But why not use sidechains or calable Layer 2 rollups you may ask?

For a platform like Coded Estate, which deals with real-world assets (RWAs), the choice of an underlying blockchain architecture is of paramount importance. Here's why a fast and scalable Layer 1 blockchain like Nibiru is a more fitting choice than sidechains such as Polygon or other Layer 2 rollups:

  1. Speed and Scalability: RWAs involve complex transactions, and potentially high volumes, that require quick processing. Layer 1 blockchains, designed as primary frameworks, inherently have the capability to manage large-scale operations more efficiently. In contrast, Layer 2 solutions, while beneficial in certain scenarios, often act as "band-aid" solutions to address the limitations of their underlying Layer 1, which can lead to bottlenecks.

  2. Robust Decentralization: One of the core principles of blockchain technology is decentralization. Layer 1 blockchains like Nibiru typically have more nodes, ensuring that control isn't centralized and that there's less vulnerability to potential attacks or manipulations. Sidechains and Layer 2 rollups might, in their bid to increase speed or reduce costs, employ mechanisms that compromise on decentralization. This limited decentralization can present risks, especially when large value RWAs are at stake.

  3. Security Concerns: With RWAs, the stakes are higher. Assets such as real estate represent significant value, and any vulnerability could result in substantial losses. The Nibiru blockchain comes with a more established and tested security protocol. Layer 2 solutions, while evolving, often have to navigate the challenge of ensuring security while also interfacing with the main chain, adding more potential points of failure.

  4. Simplicity and Integration: Working directly on the Nibiru blockchain offers more straightforward integration of features and functionalities, as well as better flexbilites when it comes to the integration of Coded Estates revolutionizing combination of various cutting edge- technologies. Sidechains and rollups often require additional considerations, tools, or bridges to function seamlessly, which can add complexity to the development process.

  5. Long-term Vision: Investing in a Layer 1 blockchain like Nibiru for a platform like Coded Estate signifies a commitment to a long-term vision, ensuring that as the platform grows, the underlying technology is equipped to evolve and scale without the need for frequent restructuring or migration.

In essence, while Layer 2 solutions and sidechains can offer short-term solutions to existing challenges, for a platform dealing with RWAs like Coded Estate, the foundational strength, security, and scalability of Nibiru align better with its mission and vision.

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