💥 The Impact

The products and technology that Coded Estate provides solves the 3 major problems that the real estate industry face today:

Revolutionizing Real Estate:

The essence of any DeFi system is to provide decentralized, permissionless access to traditional services, minimizing friction on the blockchain's foundations. Coded Estate pioneers a transformative approach, unlocking the trillion-dollar real estate market on the blockchain, an accomplishment previously thought to be unattainable.

While it's tempting to claim we're the first to tap into this vast market, others have ventured here too. However, the level of decentralization and sophistication we bring to the table is unprecedented.

Coded Estate's game-changing contributions to the decentralized real estate sector include:

  • Streamlined Operations: By harnessing the power of the Nibiru blockchain and smart contracts, with AI-driven automation, we've redefined the process. Purchasing, selling, investment advice, fractionalized ownership, and renting have been made more efficient, eliminating the need for intermediaries and their associated paperwork.

  • Robust Privacy & Verification: Our platform facilitates KYC, e-signing and the transfer of document ownership in an entirely automated and decentralized environment, safeguarding users' privacy using zero-knowledge proof technology.

  • Elevated Utility: We amplify the value of digital real estate with dynamic NFTs and innovative tokenomics.

The long-standing traditional system, characterized by a labyrinth of intermediaries like agents, insurers, and banks, has always added layers of complexity and cost to real estate transactions. Coded Estate aims to dismantle these barriers, creating a future where real estate transactions are swifter, more transparent, and truly decentralized.

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